Mission Sustainable India, Volume 2 - ZorbaBooks

Mission Sustainable India, Volume 2

by Griha Shiksha Kendra


E-Book Price ₹199 / $4.99

ISBN 9789393029034
Languages English
Pages 114
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Mission Sustainable India

Volume -2


It was hard to believe that something like Judiciary system, bureaucracy and governance need to be part of the effort to attain true sustainability for India. It’s not just about global warming or plastic pollution anymore! Thanks to “Mission Sustainable India” for helping me understand this in Volume-1 of the Vision Document. I’m now looking forward to Volume-2.
I’m proud to be part of this great movement and encourage. We, as the next generation citizens join hands and attain true sustainability, starting 15th August, 2022. – Siyona Vikram, a 10 year old Award winning podcaster, hosting the podcast – Little Mind Chats for children, Founder of Little-WISE club.

To read – Mission Sustainable India Volume -1


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