Mission Sustainable India Volume -3 - ZorbaBooks
Mission Sustainable India Volume 3

Mission Sustainable India Volume -3

by Griha Shiksha Kendra


E-Book Price ₹99 / $3.99

ISBN 9789393029768
Languages English
Pages 110
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Mission Sustainable India Volume -3

The Volume-1 of the Vision Document on Mission Sustainable India Volume 1covered topics of Sustainable Citizenship, Governance, Bureaucracy, and Justice System.
In the Volume -2, we covered additional topics such as Mass Media Communication, Sustainable Education, Sustainable Habitat, Sustainable Food and Health Systems.

The Volume-3 of the Vision Document Mission Sustainable India Volume -3,  takes forward the Mission to important technical topics of

  • Sustainable Energy
  • Sustainable Water
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Sustainable Manufacturing and Production
  • Sustainable Tourism

Indian Association of Energy Management Professionals (IAEMP) has adopted the Vision Document on “Mission Sustainable India” and is leading the movement with an objective of involving all sections of society, economic sectors, environmentalists, institutions, citizens in India’s tryst with sustainability. The basic tenet of the mission is to ensure sustainable growth through an appropriate mix of Energy, Efficiency, Equity, and Environment. I request everyone to support the Mission.

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