Mobility Trends for the 2020s - ZorbaBooks
Mobility Trends

Mobility Trends for the 2020s

by Sunil Gupta

E-Book Price ₹199 / $7.99

ISBN 9789395217385
Languages English
Pages 54
E-Book Available


Mobility Trends for the 2020s

How electrification, new age technologies and ownership models are changing mobility



The 2020s will see the vehicle mobility industry undergo disruption. The IC engine is on its way out and a set of alternate options beckon. The broad direction of change towards green mobility is clear but there is a mine-field of ‘known unknowns’ which must be navigated by the stakeholders in the automotive ecosystem. There are bound to be winners and losers – those who take the right calls will survive. Those car manufacturers who leverage new-age digital technologies ranging from AI,ML, big data and IOT to improve efficiency and user experience
stand a better chance of success. And if this was not enough, the industry is seeing changes in customer preferences driven by psychographic and social factors. The author offers a ring-side view of the trends shaping the mobility industry.

To read about the author Sunil Gupta

Author of a best Selling Book


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