Mokita - ZorbaBooks


by John Philipose


E-Book Price ₹199 / $3.99

ISBN 978-93-95217-88-0
Languages English
Pages 200
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available




Novel ‘Mokita’ is the fourth work in his literary career. ‘Mokita’ unravels the ‘A truth everybody knows, but nobody speaks’ The story unfolds giving the reader an exceptional sense of realism set in the present art scenario.
About the Author 
 John Philipose, an acclaimed museologist and interior designer dedicated his life to the nourishment and promotion of art. With his architectural talents he immensely contributed to the creative arenas in the capital city – New Delhi.

He is native of Thricodithanum, Changanassery in the district of Kottayam in Kerala. He has designed 30 museums across various states in India. He is also a known national sculptor and painter.




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