Bharatiya Katha Sagara 1 - ZorbaBooks

Bharatiya Katha Sagara 1

by Shreedarshan K


E-Book Price ₹99 / $4.99

ISBN 978-93-5896-041-9
Languages English
Pages 108
Cover Paperback
E-Book Available


Bharatiya Katha Sagara  1


 Glory of Sri Mahotkata Vinayaka of Krita Yuga
 Why did Narayana Bhattathiri compose the glorious Narayaneeyam?
 Why is Lord Shiva known as Hridayaleswarar?
 Devi Annapurna of Kashi
 Why is Sri Vidyaranya called “Karnataka Simhasana Pratishtapanacharya?

The Bharatiya Katha Sagara series is being released after the overwhelming response for all the 5 volumes of Bharatiya Katha Vaibhava. Similar to the previous series, this series continues with its tales of gods and goddesses, sages and saints, kings and devotees. Every story highlights the rich cultural heritage of Bharat which is a must-read for every growing child, teenager and adults alike. They illustrate the importance of inculcating faith and
heroism in our lives while being humble and devout. These interesting and informative stories will be a treat for both children and adults! 108 pages of delightful coloured illustrations.

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About the Author
Shreedarshan K has worked as an Assistant Professor (Electronics) for over 14 years at Ramaiah Institute of Technology. Apart from teaching UG and PG students, he also regularly visits schools to give guest lectures on Science and Mathematics. Over the years, he has developed a keen interest in story telling for children. Being a Carnatic vocalist, he is involved in promoting Indian Classical Art forms through his association with schools in Bangalore. Apart from being a blog writer (, he also has an educational YouTube channel “Lectures by Shreedarshan” featuring lecture videos on various Engineering topics and Mathematics.


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