
Your Voice #4

Result declared

We thank you all for your participation in the #Yourvoice 4 contest. Appreciate your immense patience. Here is the result.

Our heartiest congratulations to all participants and a special congratulations to the 2 finalists! The finalists will be informed through email. Here we go…

Our aim is to give writers a chance to reveal their thoughts, offer exposure for your creativity and provide you with the buzz of being a part of an anthology.


This space is for your voice on topics that matter. Your chance to take part opens now. The story writing competition the topic for January-February’21 is ” New Beginning

All entries will be visible to thousands of visitors that will come to #Yourvoice.  In addition, all your write-ups will get read and your voice heard by our esteemed judges.

The one chosen voice will receive an Amazon Voucher, two voices will be featured on Zorba Books social media pages and receive a certificate.

What can I write?

  1. The topic is New Beginnings.
  2. Maximum words, 300 minimum words 100.
  3. Type or paste the story or poem in the comments box below and press Post Comment.
  4. The last date for submission is 21st February’21.
  5. Our expert panel will review your post and select the best 3 creative writings.
  6. The selected 3 write-ups will receive a certificate, Amazon Voucher and be featured on Zorba social media pages.
  7. Three best entries will be informed through email.

What are the criteria for selection?

  1. Story or poem writing should not be less than 100 words or more than 300 words
  2. The creative writing piece should be related to the topic.
  3. The poem/story should be clearly expressed and interesting to read.
  4. In the story writing competition, Hindi or English language is accepted. No Hinglish accepted
  5. Unique storylines which also cover points 1-4 will be given preference in the story/poetry writing competition.
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